US to shrink ground forces to smallest size in 74 years

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(VOVworld) – US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel proposed a 5-year plan on Tuesday to shrink US ground forces from 520,000 to 450,000 troops.

(VOVworld) – US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel proposed a 5-year plan on Tuesday to shrink US ground forces from 520,000 to 450,000 troops. This, the biggest downsize since World War II, is in response to the US budget deficit. The Pentagon will focus its investment in technology and military equipment. Hagel’s proposal favors a smaller but more elite, tactical force, which is capable of fighting a war and ensuring national defense. Hagel said that though personnel cuts might be risky, the US army will be well prepared for major security threats.

US to shrink ground forces to smallest size in 74 years - ảnh 1
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel proposes reducing the size of the U.S. military on Monday.
(Photo: Reuters)

He said: “This defense strategy is focused on defending the homeland against all strategic threats, building security globally by projecting US influence in deterring aggressors, and remaining preparedness decisively against any adversaries. To fulfill this strategy, the Department of Defense will continue to shift its operation to the Asia Pacific, sustain commitment to key allies and partners in the Middle East and Europe and engagement in other regions, and continue to aggressively pursue the fight against global terror networks.”   

The Pentagon will allocate a big part of its budget to maintaining a safe, reliable, and effective nuclear force, and will deploy additional task forces and 900 marines to defend US embassies around the globe.    
