US media praise dioxin clean up in Vietnam

Chia sẻ
US media including AP, CNN,, Los Angeles Times, Business Week, Huffington Post, Navy Times and Army Times yesterday spoke highly of the country’s direct involvement in cleaning up Agent Orange/Dioxin the US army sprayed in Vietnam 50 years ago.
US media praise dioxin clean up in Vietnam  - ảnh 1
US media including AP, CNN,, Los Angeles Times, Business Week, Huffington Post, Navy Times and Army Times yesterday spoke highly of the country’s direct involvement in cleaning up Agent Orange/Dioxin the US army sprayed in Vietnam 50 years ago. The US has begun a project to treat dioxin and non-disintegrating organic pollutants that have caused long-term harm to generations of Vietnamese people and American veterans. The American media reported that US Ambassador to Vietnam David Shear, at a ceremony to inaugurate the project ‘Environmental Remediation of Dioxin Contamination’ at Danang Airport called the plan the first step in bilateral cooperation to deal with the aftermath of the war. The 43-million USD project will be implemented over 4 years on an area of 29 hectares. The project’s decontamination work will involve excavation, transport, and treatment of 67,000 cubic meters of dioxin-contaminated sediment and soil in a thermal desorption treatment structure, and reconditioning of the environment at the project site.
