US, Israel on the verge of a break-up

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(VOVworld) – Long-standing relations between the US and Israel may be about to break. Washington announced Thursday that it will “re-evaluate” the bilateral ties and publicly warned of the possibility of withdrawing its support for Israel at the United Nations.

(VOVworld) – Long-standing relations between the US and Israel may be about to break. Washington announced Thursday that it will “re-evaluate” the bilateral ties and publicly warned of the possibility of withdrawing its support for Israel at the United Nations.

US, Israel on the verge of a break-up - ảnh 1
Obama and Netanyahu meet in 2013 (Photo: AP)

According to the White House, President Obama called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netnyahu to congratulate him on his election victory and reiterate Washington’s commitment to a two-state solution as the best outcome for Israel and the Palestinians.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Netanyahu’s vow on the eve of the election that there would be no Palestinian state during his tenure has forced Washington to reevaluate its future foreign policy direction in the Middle East.
