UN talks seek to avert climate disaster

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(VOVworld) – Representatives of 190 countries and territories joined talks on Monday to reach a resolution on reining in heat-trapping carbon emissions after 2020.

(VOVworld) – Representatives of 190 countries and territories joined talks on Monday to reach a resolution on reining in heat-trapping carbon emissions after 2020.

UN talks seek to avert climate disaster - ảnh 1The Eiffel Tower lights up with the slogan ”Action Now” to the COP21, United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, Sunday, Dec. 6, 2015 (photo:AP)

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the clock is ticking toward climate catastrophe and the world is expecting diplomats to reach an agreement on global climate. He said the decision made at COP21 will impact every generation and stressed the need for a transformative agreement that will put the world on track for long-term peace, stability and prosperity.

Foreign and environment ministries are hoping to resolve disputes and agree on a method for reviewing national commitments by industrialized and developing countries, including their promises of financial support. 
