Ukraine’s newly elected President sworn in office

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(VOVworld) – President Petr Poroshenko took his oath-of-office at Ukraine’s parliament on Saturday. The ceremony featured 56 foreign state leaders.

(VOVworld) – President Petr Poroshenko took his oath-of-office at Ukraine’s parliament on Saturday. The ceremony featured 56 foreign state leaders including US Vice President Joe Bidden, EU’s President Herman Van Rompuy, Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, OSCE, Lamberto Zannier, Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski, and German President Joachim Gauck. Russia was represented by its Ambassador to Ukraine, Mikhail Zurabov.

Ukraine’s newly elected President sworn in office - ảnh 1
Newly elected President Petr Poroshenko (photo: reuters)

Ukraine’s newly elected President Petr Poroshenko said in his inauguration speech that he would protect Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence while ensuring prosperity and social welfare. He said about his determination to ensure people’s rights and freedom with respect for the Constitution and law. He was ready to sign immediately the economic part of the agreement on Ukraine’s association with the EU.
