Top leader chairs national military-political conference

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Party leader and President Nguyen Phu Trong on Monday urged the building of a strong all-people national defense, solid defensive zones, and comprehensive defense planning combined with socio-economic development.
Top leader chairs national military-political conference - ảnh 1 Party leader and President Nguyen Phu Trong (C) chairs the 2020 Military-Political Conference in Hanoi, December 7, 2020. (Photo: VNA)

Addressing the 2020 Military-Political Conference in Hanoi, Mr. Trong, who is also Secretary of the Central Military Commission, asked the Defense Ministry to work closely with Government  agencies and local authorities to mitigate natural disasters and protect people’s lives and property.

He emphasized the importance of streamlining the military so that Vietnam can start building a modern army by 2030.

“It’s crucial  to improve military personnel’s political awareness and morality to ensure the military is a political and combat force absolutely loyal to the Party and a reliable and solid mainstay of the Party, State, and people. We need to continue fighting against distortions and hostile arguments,” said Mr. Trong.
