The Middle East Quartet announces report on peace process

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(VOVworld) – In a report released on Friday, the Middle East Quartet called on the relevant sides to approve policies and take action to show their real commitment to two-state solution and restrain unilateral acts that can affect the outcome of final negotiations.
(VOVworld) – In a report released on Friday, the Middle East Quartet called on the relevant sides to approve policies and take action to show their real commitment to two-state solution and restrain unilateral acts that can affect the outcome of final negotiations.
The Middle East Quartet announces report on peace process - ảnh 1

Israel’s Pisgat Ze'ev settlement in East Jerusalem (Photo: AFP/ VNA)

The Middle East Quartet including the UN, Russia, the US, the EU said only two-state solution may bring about long-term peace and meet Israel’s security demand and the Palestinians’ aspiration to be recognized as a sovereign state.

The Middle East Quartet also stressed that the two sides should show restraint and avoid provocative acts and words; Palestinian authorities need to stop terrorism while Israel must stop building and expanding settlement areas and further empower Palestinian people. The UN encouraged related parties to cooperate with the Middle East Quartet to realize those incentives and create conditions to resume negotiation.
