Techfest Hai Phong 2023 features 500 technologies, solutions

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Six countries are introducing nearly 500 technologies and solutions at “Techfest Hai Phong” which opened in the northern port city of Hai Phong on Monday. 
Techfest Hai Phong 2023 features 500 technologies, solutions - ảnh 1Techfest Hai Phong 2023 opens on September 18, 2023. (Photo:

The event also includes 50 booths featuring local OCOP products. 

“Techfest Hai Phong 2023 is expected to promote innovation in agricultural digitization and tourism, as well as food automation. It’s an opportunity to develop new e-commerce platforms and business models to boost Hai Phong’s trade,” said Hoang Minh Cuong, Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee.  

Other activities are discussions on creating connections between Vietnamese and South Korean innovation firms, between startups and investors, and the announcement of ISO 18091:2020 which will be piloted in Hai Phong.
