Syrian government delegation leaves Geneva

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(VOVworld) – The Syrian government delegation led by Bashar Ja’afari left Geneva on Monday, asking the rebels backed by Turkey and Saudi Arabia to accept responsibility for the escalating violence in Syria.

(VOVworld) – The Syrian government delegation led by Bashar Ja’afari left Geneva on Monday, asking the rebels backed by Turkey and Saudi Arabia to accept responsibility for the escalating violence in Syria.

Syrian government delegation leaves Geneva - ảnh 1
Syrian government delegation arrives in Geneva to join Intra-Syria talks

The decision was made after Ja’afari met with UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura. At a press conference, Ja’afari accused the Ahrar ash-Sham group, which was trained by Turkey, of attacking Aleppo. He blamed the Jaysh al-Islam group backed by Saudi Arabia for terrorist acts in the capital of Damascus. He said the Syrian government rejects participation by terrorists on the High Negotiation Committee (HNC) in peace talks in Geneva.  The Syrian government sent a letter to the UN Secretary General and the President of the UN Security Council asking for emergency aid and insisting that the countries supporting terrorism take responsibility for the violence.

Syria and Russia yesterday signed agreements worth 850 million euro to restore infrastructure in Syria.
