Syrian army tightens siege on rebels near Lebanon border

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(VOVworld) – Syria’s state news agency SANA said on Tuesday that Syrian troops and Hezbollah fighters had entered Zabadani city, near Syria’s border with Lebanon.

(VOVworld) – Syria’s state news agency SANA said on Tuesday that Syrian troops and Hezbollah fighters had entered Zabadani city, near Syria’s border with Lebanon.


Syrian army tightens siege on rebels near Lebanon border  - ảnh 1

Syrian soldiers celebrate a victory in the mountains surrounding the city of Zabadani, 50km northwest of Damascus (Photo: AFP)

After 2 weeks of military operations against rebels, Syrian forces and Hezbollah had taken control of the district of Darb Kalasseh, some areas inside Zabadani, and major routes connecting Zabadani with neighbouring towns. On Monday, Syrian soldiers cut off weapons supply-routes to rebels in the city, killing 10.  
