Steles to commemorate the fallen soldiers for national maritime sovereignty to be built

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) - Overseas Vietnamese in the Philippines on Friday presented 100,000 USD to the Vietnamese Navy High Command to construct steles to commemorate the fallen Vietnamese citizens for the protection of Vietnam’s sea and island sovereignty.

(VOVworld) - Overseas Vietnamese in the Philippines on Friday presented 100,000 USD to the Vietnamese Navy High Command to construct steles to commemorate the fallen Vietnamese citizens for the protection of Vietnam’s sea and island sovereignty.

Steles to commemorate the fallen soldiers for national maritime sovereignty to be built  - ảnh 1

Filipino Vietnamese Jonathan Hanh Nguyen spoke at the event: "We are very honoured to contribute to the construction of these steles which reflect the gratitude of 4.5 millions of overseas Vietnamese around the world.  The steles reflect Vietnam’s maritime sovereignty over Truong Sa or Spratly archipelago and acknowledge the fallen soldiers who protected the islands."
The house of steles will be built at Song Tu Tay island with contributions from overseas Vietnamese worldwide.
