State President Truong Tan Sang visits Japan

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) - State President Truong Tan Sang, his wife and delegation arrived at Tokyo-based Haneda airport on March 16 for a four-day State visit to Japan at the invitation of Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko.
(VOVworld) - State President Truong Tan Sang, his wife and delegation arrived at Tokyo-based Haneda airport on March 16 for a four-day State visit to Japan at the invitation of Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko. Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister Hirotaka Ishihara, Japanese ambassador to Vietnam Fukuda and his wife, Vietnamese ambassador to Japan Doan Xuan Hung along with embassy staff and overseas Vietnamese representatives gathered at the airport to greet President Sang and his entourage.
A salvo of 21 canon shots saluting the Vietnamese delegation demonstrated Japan’s recognition of special importance to the fine Vietnam-Japan relationship and President Sang’s first State visit in his capacity as a Vietnamese Head of State.

State President Truong Tan Sang visits Japan - ảnh 1
President Sang presented gifts to Japanese officials of Ibaraki prefecture

During his visit to Ibaraki prefecture, the 2nd largest agricultural region in Japan, the President met with Ibaraki Governor Masaru Hasimoto. He thanked the local authorities and people for their support for the Vietnamese community here. Earlier, the Vietnamese leader visited the locality’s agricultural research centre and vegetable processing factory to study its successful technological application models in agriculture. He said his visit’s aim is to discuss with Japanese leaders on measures to develop cooperation between the two countries, especially in agriculture.

State President Truong Tan Sang visits Japan - ảnh 2
President Sang visits Ibaraki province's agricultural research center

On the same day, the Vietnamese leader witnessed the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ibaraki authorities. An official welcome ceremony for President Sang and his entourage is scheduled to take place at the Royal Palace on March 17.
