“Spring Colors throughout the country” 2017 festival opens

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – The “Spring Colors throughout the country” 2017 festival will open this Saturday and Sunday at the Culture Tourism Village of Vietnam Ethnic Groups on the outskirts of Hanoi.
(VOVworld) – The “Spring Colors throughout the country” 2017 festival will open this Saturday and Sunday at the Culture Tourism Village of Vietnam Ethnic Groups on the outskirts of Hanoi.
“Spring Colors throughout the country” 2017 festival opens - ảnh 1
Traditional dance of Lo Lo ethnic group (Source: Dao Yen/VOV)
Traditional customs of Vietnamese ethnic groups will be featured at the village’s communal house. 190 village patriarchs, village chiefs, intellectuals, and artisans from 16 ethnic groups in 16 provinces will attend the festival. The festival called “Spring Colors through the country” is held annually to promote ethnic culture to tourists.
