South Korea, US presidents have phone talk following North Korea’s proposal for negotiations

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South Korean President Park Geun-hye spoke by phone with U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday, an official said, a day after North Korea proposed high-level talks with the U.S.

South Korean President Park Geun-hye spoke by phone with U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday, an official said, a day after North Korea proposed high-level talks with the U.S.

South Korea, US presidents have phone talk following North Korea’s proposal for negotiations - ảnh 1

The official did not give further details, but Pyongyang's dialogue proposal was thought to be a key topic. Seoul has urged Pyongyang to take concrete steps toward denuclearization for peace and security on the Korean peninsula. Seoul is also studying the possibility of organizing a trilateral negotiation with leading diplomats from the US and China on the sidelines of the ASEAN Regional Forum in Brunei at the end of this month. Earlier on Sunday, North Korea proposed high-level talks with the US to ease tension on the Korean peninsula. Pyongyang said Washington could decide the time and venue for talks without any preconditions.
