Seoul urges Pyongyang to give up nuclear program

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(VOVworld) – South Korean President Park Geun-hye on Monday urged the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to give up its nuclear program advance the reunification of the Korean peninsula.

(VOVworld) – South Korean President Park Geun-hye on Monday urged the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to give up its nuclear program advance the reunification of the Korean peninsula.

Seoul urges Pyongyang to give up nuclear program - ảnh 1
South Korean President Park Geun-hye (Photo: Dantri)

Addressing an international leadership conference, President Park said both sides can open a new era of reunification if Pyongyang drops its nuclear program, replaces it with international trust, and promotes inter-Korean relations.
Earlier, in a speech to the media on the occasion of the New Year, President Park reiterated the importance of reunification, saying that it will bring greater prosperity for the two Koreas and for neighbouring countries. In a speech on Feb. 25 marking the first anniversary of her inauguration, Madam Park pledged to boost the process, adding that a reunification committee under her direct control will be created to collect opinions from private experts and civic groups and draw up a blueprint for reunification.
