Russia: The world is becoming more dangerous

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(VOVworld) –Russia’s Director of Foreign Intelligence Sergei Naryshkin said that the world is more dangerous now, not only because of terrorist threats but also because the West intends to use or threaten to use violence in defiance of international law.

(VOVworld) –Russia’s Director of Foreign Intelligence Sergei Naryshkin said that the world is more dangerous now, not only because of terrorist threats but also because the West intends to use or threaten to use violence in defiance of international law.

Russia: The world is becoming more dangerous - ảnh 1
Mr. Sergei Naryshkin (Photo: Sputnik/ VNA)

At the Moscow Conference on International Security on Thursday, Mr. Naryshkin said that as the activity of terrorists in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, the recent tragic events in London, Paris, Brussels, and Stockholm, and the recent dastardly terrorist attack in St. Petersburg all show, no country and no region can be a safe island of prosperity. He called for cooperation in fighting terrorism between diplomatic agencies and social institutions.
