Russia: the West’s allegations groundless

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(VOVworld) – The US and the West have recently accused Russian troops of illegally penetrating Ukraine.

(VOVworld) – The US and the West have recently accused Russian troops of illegally penetrating Ukraine.

Russia: the West’s allegations groundless - ảnh 1
Opposition forces hold their guns as they patrol the Lenin square in the town of Donetsk, eastern Ukraine Photo: Mstislav Chernov/AP

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Friday said this is not the first time such claims have been publicized without evidence. Sergey took an example when western countries used the photos said to have been taken from the satellite for the accusations but later they turned to be computer games. Sergey said concealing the truth is what the US and a number of western countries want to do with the real situation in Ukraine.

Regarding Russia’s second convoy carrying humanitarian aid to eastern Ukraine, Sergey said that on Thursday Moscow sent the second diplomatic note to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry which took into consideration of Kiev’s stance over the way for the truck to go into Ukraine. One day earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry was diplomatically responded by Ukraine accepting in principle Moscow’s proposal.

On Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a message to the opposition forces in eastern Ukraine saying that Moscow will continue offering humanitarian aid for citizens in Donbass. He called on the militia to open a humanitarian corridor for encircled Ukrainian soldiers and let them return to their families.
