Russia confirms its strategic role in the Asia-Pacific region

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(VOVworld) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has stressed the importance of strengthening Russia’s relations with the Asia-Pacific region, which remains a driving force in world economic growth.

(VOVworld) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has stressed the importance of strengthening Russia’s relations with the Asia-Pacific region, which remains a driving force in world economic growth.

Russia confirms its strategic role in the Asia-Pacific region - ảnh 1
President Vladimir Putin (Photo:

At the Eastern economic forum on Friday in Vladivostok, President Putin expressed his belief that Asia-Pacific countries would continue to remain a driver of the global economy and an important market for goods and services. Putin added that Russia, which has huge resources, is capable of ensuring the enhanced growth of the region’s economy. He said creation of a so-called energy bridge was one of the key tasks for Russia and the Asia-Pacific Region. The Eurasian integration opens new possibilities for mutually beneficial cooperation in trade and cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region.
