Russia and the US discuss the situation in Syria

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U.S. President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Monday discussed the protracted conflict in Syria and agreed to have a summit in Russia in September.

U.S. President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Monday discussed the protracted conflict in Syria and agreed to have a summit in Russia in September.

Russia and the US discuss the situation in Syria - ảnh 1
Syria is in the chaos                 Source: Reuters/

During a phone conversation, Obama underscored his concern over Syria's chemical weapons, as the United States joined Britain, France and Israel last week to allege that such weapons have been used in internal fightings in the Middle East country. Washington is seeking more clear facts before taking further action. The two presidents agreed to "stay in close consultation" and instructed their foreign ministers to continue discussions on Syria. They also said that they looked forward to meeting in person in June when leaders of the Group of Eight industrialized nations meet in Northern Ireland and again in September for a bilateral summit in Russia.

In another development, UN Chief Ban Ki-moon on the same day condemned the terrorist attack earlier in Damascus on the convoy of Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi that resulted in deaths and injuries. Mr. Ban Ki-moon has consistently condemned all acts of terrorism adding that the targeting of civilians and civilian objects by anyone is unacceptable.
