Public security minister receives Google Vice President

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security always welcomes and pledges to create favorable conditions for foreign enterprises, individuals and organizations, including Google, to do long-term business in Vietnam, Minister To Lam said at a reception in Hanoi on Wednesday for Ted Osius, Google Vice President for Public Policy and Government Relations for the Asia-Pacific. 
Public security minister receives Google Vice President - ảnh 1 Public Security Minister To Lam (R) receive Ted Osius, Google Vice President for Public Policy and Government Relations for the Asia-Pacific (Photo: Doan Tan/VNA) 

Google is a worldwide technology firm with experience in Internet products and services. Lam said the Ministry and Google should expand their cooperation.

Mr. Osius said he hopes Google will continue effective cooperation with the Ministry to strengthen Vietnam–US ties.
