Public arts festival to mark 40th anniversary of National Reunification in HCM City

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – More than 400 artists from 21 art troupes nationwide gathered at a public arts festival in Ho Chi Minh City on Friday to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Southern Liberation and National Reunification on April 30th.

(VOVworld) – More than 400 artists from 21 art troupes nationwide gathered at a public arts festival in Ho Chi Minh City on Friday to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Southern Liberation and National Reunification on April 30th.

Public arts festival to mark 40th anniversary of National Reunification in HCM City - ảnh 1
A performance of An Giang Public Arts Troupe at the festival (Photo: Phuong Vy/VNA)

Performances included songs in praise of love for the homeland and the re-enactment of the revolutionary struggle of Vietnamese people under the leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh.

Nguyen Tri Phuong, Deputy Director of Binh Thuan’s Culture Center and head of the provincial public art troupe, introduced the troupe’s program: “to join the festival, we’ve prepared a program with songs featuring contributions of Binh Thuan people and army to the resistance wars against French colonialists and American imperialists. It will also highlight the province’s development during the renewal process and our activities for Vietnam’s sea and islands.”

The festival will run through next Tuesday.


