Poland’s Law and Justice Party claims victory

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(VOVworld) – Poland Law and Justice Party (PiS) claimed victory on Sunday.

(VOVworld) – Poland's Law and Justice Party (PiS) claimed victory on Sunday. Led by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, PiS collected 39.1 percent of the votes, winning 242 of 460 seats in the lower house of parliament, meaning the party can govern alone.

Poland’s Law and Justice Party claims victory - ảnh 1
Jarosław Kaczyński (front left), leader of Law and Justice (PiS), and its candidate for prime minister, Beata Szydło (front right), celebrate after the exit poll results are announced in Warsaw.
(Photo: Reuters)

In the previous election no party won enough seats to form a new government without allying with other parties. After the results were announced, former Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczynski said PiS’s victory is a victory for Polish democracy. PiS will name 52-year-old Beata Szydło as Poland’s new prime minister.
