Philippines President plans to visit China this year

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(VOVworld) – Filipino Foreign Affairs Secretary Perfecto Yasay Jr said President Rodrigo Duterte plans to visit China next year but something needs to be done prior to the visit.
(VOVworld) – Filipino Foreign Affairs Secretary Perfecto Yasay Jr said President Rodrigo Duterte plans to visit China next year but something needs to be done prior to the visit. 
Philippines President plans to visit China this year - ảnh 1
Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte (Photo: Inquirer)
Yasay told CNN that during the visit, the two sides are expected to discuss a number of issues, including investment, infrastructure, culture, and education. More importantly, the Philippines will take into consideration how much they will discuss the East Sea issue. Mr. Perfecto Yasay Jr said the visit would take place with no conditions.

The Filipino foreign affairs secretary made the statement one  month after the Permanent Court of Arbitration made a ruling on the Philippines’ lawsuit against China for its claims in the East Sea.
