Palestinians seek end to conflict with Israel

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(VOVWorld) - The Palestinian leadership is working with the international community to organize an international peace conference to seek an end to the conflict with Israel, said President Mahmoud Abbas during a talk with US Secretary of State John Kerry.

(VOVWorld) - The Palestinian leadership is working with the international community to organize an international peace conference to seek an end to the conflict with Israel, said President Mahmoud Abbas during a talk with US Secretary of State John Kerry. 

Palestinians seek end to conflict with Israel - ảnh 1
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Palestinian President
Mahmud Abbas (R) on Sunday at the Palestinian ambassador's residence
in Amman, Jordan. (Photo by Xinhua)

The Palestinian official news agency quoted Abbas spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeinah as saying that the meeting discussed in detail the latest developments in the Palestine-Israel conflict. President Abbas said the Palestinian leadership wants the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to condemn Jewish settlement expansion and end it. Kerry said the Obama administration will continue to exert efforts toward a two-state solution in order to achieve stability and security in the region.
