P5+1, Iran reach provisional nuclear agreement

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(VOVworld) - Iran and the P5+1 have reached provisional agreement on key parts of a deal sharply curtailing Tehran’s nuclear program.

(VOVworld) - Iran and the P5+1 have reached provisional agreement on key parts of a deal sharply curtailing Tehran’s nuclear program.

P5+1, Iran reach provisional nuclear agreement  - ảnh 1

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini meets with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif during Iranian nuclear talks in Lausanne on March 29, 2015 (Photo: AFP)

One of the diplomats said Iran has agreed to slash the number of its centrifuges by more than two-thirds and to ship abroad most of its stockpile of nuclear material. Western powers are considering Iran's limited uranium-enrichment program for medical research under close supervision at its Fordow facility and racing to nail down the deal, due to be finalized on June 30. However, the Iranian negotiating team said the publication of such information by certain Western media creates an atmosphere that could disturb the negotiation process.

