Obama’s Asia trip to reassure allies and partners

Nhat Quynh & Huy Hoang – VOV correspondents in Was
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(VOVworld) – Reassuring allies and security and trade partners will be the pivot of US President Barack Obama’s Asia trip which will begin on Wednesday.

(VOVworld) – Reassuring allies and security and trade partners will be the pivot of US President Barack Obama’s Asia trip which will begin on Wednesday.

Evan Medeiros, Senior Director for Asian Affairs at the National Security Council, told reporters on Tuesday that his visit’s foremost importance is to underscore Washington’s strong commitment to its rebalance strategy to the Asia-Pacific.

Medeiros said: “The United States is always all-in when it comes to Asia-Pacific and were there for long. This is a result of the calculation of economic and security interest. It’s not a geo-political fact or political expediency. It’s about protecting American economic and security interest and continuing to build our people to people ties that we had for many decades in the Asia Pacific.”

Obama will discuss with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ways to strengthen their alliance and security and trade partnership, including the negotiations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement.

Obama’s Asia trip to reassure allies and partners - ảnh 1
US President Barack Obama visits 4 Asian countries. (Photo: Reuters)

Talks between Obama and President of the Republic of Korea Park Geun-Hye will focus on US support in the Sewol capsize recovery, alliance, security partnership, and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s issues. They will touch upon the implementation of the US-RoK free trade agreement.

Obama’s visit to Malaysia this time will be a historic milestone as this has been the first arrival of an US President since 1966. Obama will talk with Malaysian leaders about TPP negotiations, defense and security cooperation, and East Sea disputes.

In his last leg, the Philippines, Obama will reiterate Washington’s security commitment and seek ways to improve bilateral relations.
