North Korea to improve its nuclear arsenal

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North Korea held a meeting of the Workers’ Party of Korea on Sunday to approve a new strategy: developing its economy and improving its nuclear arsenal.

North Korea to improve its nuclear arsenal  - ảnh 1
Meeting at the Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang to support Kịm Jong Un. Photo: Kyodo

North Korea held a meeting of the Workers’ Party of Korea on Sunday to approve a new strategy: developing its economy and improving its nuclear arsenal. Leader Kim Jong Un said that Pyongyang needs to upgrade its nuclear arsenal in both quality and quantity to cope with US threats. He added as a responsible nation which possesses nuclear weapons, North Korea would try its best to prevent diffusion of nuclear weapons and ensure peace and security around the world, especially in Asia paving the way for a world free of nuclear weapons. On the economic front, North Korea pledged to promote agriculture and light industry development for better a standard of living and to become a powerful country.
