Niger's president detained by guards

Ba Thi/VOV reporter in Egypt
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(VOVWORLD) -  The entrance to Niger's Presidential Palace in the capital Niamey was blocked by the presidential guard Wednesday. Niger President Mohamed Bazoum appears to have been detained in a new coup attempt in Niger. 
Niger's president detained by guards - ảnh 1Niger President Mohamed Bazoum (Photo:AFP)

The Nigerien army issued an ultimatum, declaring that it is ready to attack the presidential guard if the President is not released.

Benin's President Patrice Talon traveled to Niger to mediate, saying all means will be used, if necessary, to restore constitutional order in Niger.

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) issued a statement condemning an "attempted coup d'etat" and called for Bazoum's immediate and unconditional release. The UN, the US, and other countries demanded that constitutional order in Niger be immediately restored.

Niger has experienced four coups since gaining independence from France in 1960, as well as numerous attempted coups. The country's last coup occurred in February 2010, overthrowing then president Mamadou Tandja.

