New test kits for mosquito-borne viruses

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(VOVworld) - The Brazilian Health ministry says it's developed new testing kits to rapidly identify the presence of three viruses - Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya - all carried by the same mosquito. Health Minister Marcelo Castro said priority for testing would be given to pregnant women.
(VOVworld) - The Brazilian Health ministry says it's developed new testing kits to rapidly identify the presence of three viruses - Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya - all carried by the same mosquito. Health Minister Marcelo Castro said priority for testing would be given to pregnant women.

New test kits for mosquito-borne viruses - ảnh 1
Most of the cases of microencephaly in Brazil have been in the poorer north-eastern states
Brazil has the largest known outbreak of Zika, which has been linked to a sharp spike in birth defects. Mr Castro also announced extra funds to speed up finding a vaccine for Zika.
He said that the goal was to develop a vaccine "in record time". At the moment the only way to fight Zika is to clear standing water where mosquitoes breed.
The aim is that the tests will speed up diagnosis and ensure patients get correct medical treatment fast.
