New Greek Prime Minister sworn in

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(VOVworld) – Greece’s new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was sworn in Monday, one day after winning the early general election.

(VOVworld) – Greece’s new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was sworn in Monday, one day after winning the early general election.

New Greek Prime Minister sworn in - ảnh 1
Anti-austerity Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has become the youngest Greek Prime Minister in 150 years. (Photo: EPA)

At the age of 40, the left-wing Syriza leader becomes the youngest Greek prime minister in 150 years. Addressing the inauguration ceremony in Athens, Tsipras pledged to always serve the interests of all Greek people. Previously he announced that Greece will halt all austerity policies, which has been imposed by international creditors over the past 5 years in exchange for bailout packages. He also promised to have plans for reforms, stimulation of investment and economic recovery but avoid budget deficits.
