NATO officially ends Afghanistan mission

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(VOVworld) – NATO and the US officially ended its combat mission in Afghanistan with a flag-lowering ceremony in Kabul on Monday.

(VOVworld) – NATO and the US officially ended its combat mission in Afghanistan with a flag-lowering ceremony in Kabul on Monday.

NATO officially ends Afghanistan mission - ảnh 1

NATO’s commander pays tribute to his troops during the ceremony in Kabul on Monday.

NATO’s deployment in Afghanistan began in 2001, following the September 11 attacks. US General John Campbell, Commander of the NATO International Security Assistance Force, said the alliance’s main role now is providing training and support for the Afghan troops, as they are now able to defend their country and have been directly in charge of the war against the Taliban since mid-2013.
The NATO mission is ending as the Taliban is increasing its attacks against the Afghan government. At least 11 people were killed and 7 were injured this week by Taliban suicide bombings and attacks on government buildings in the southern province of Kandahar.
