NATO concerned over Scottish separation from the UK

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(VOVworld) – A number of NATO officials have expressed their concern over Scottish independence from the UK at the NATO Summit in Wales.

(VOVworld) – A number of NATO officials have expressed their concern over Scottish independence from the UK at the NATO Summit in Wales.

NATO concerned over Scottish separation from the UK - ảnh 1
The rate of support for Scottish independence is 51 to 49 per cent. (Photo: PA)

British Prime Minister David Cameron has confirmed the story with UK parliamentarians and said that the majority believed that Scottish independence was up to the Scottish people, but hope that Scotland would stay within the UK.A public survey conducted by YouGov last weekend indicated that the rate of support for Scottish independence is at 51 per cent to 49 per cent. Scotland accounts for one-third of the UK and is where the UK “Trident” anti-ballistic missile system is placed. The Scottish secession from the UK could raise doubts over the UK’s role in the international arena.
