National conference discusses grassroots democracy

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) -The implementation of regulations on grassroots democracy has helped tap the potential and creativity of the people in dealing with local and national issues, said Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at a national conference on grassroots democracy Monday.
National conference discusses grassroots democracy - ảnh 1 Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. (Photo: VNA)

Participants discussed the work required to push forward the building and enforcement of grassroots democracy regulations and improve the quality and effectiveness of the settlement of complaints and petitions.

Party leader Trong stressed that enforcing regulations on grassroots democracy must continue to be a regular task, thus creating momentum for socio-economic development, improving people’s lives and welfare, and achieving social equity. Attention must also be paid to upholding the rule of law and promoting social and citizen responsibility.

He urged administrative agencies and local authorities improve the efficiency of state management, guarantee law enforcement, enhance administrative reform, listen more to the people, promptly respond to the people’s opinions and petitions, and improve the ethics and service quality of public employees.

He demanded that heads of agencies and key officials at all-levels, exercise genuine democracy and transparency in their work, while being role models in fighting bureaucracy, corruption and wastefulness.
