NA Vice Chairwoman visits US

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) - A high-level Vietnamese delegation led by National Assembly Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan is attending the 5th Vietnam Executive Leadership Programme at Harvard University in Boston, in the US.

(VOVworld) - A high-level Vietnamese delegation led by National Assembly Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan is attending the 5th Vietnam Executive Leadership Programme at Harvard University in Boston, in the US.

NA Vice Chairwoman visits US - ảnh 1
Madam Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan and Harvard University's professors, experts, jurists, scholars

During the week-long event, starting from Monday, Vietnamese delegates will hold working sessions with professors, experts, jurists, and scholars from the University and other countries, focusing on analysing economic risks.

Vietnamese delegates discussed with participants Vietnam’s positive economic achievements and its successes in reforming institutions and fine-turning the legal system to respond to socio-economic challenges, as well as efforts to implement the 2013 Constitution.

The challenges facing Vietnam’s long- and short-term development targets are also on the agenda.

The Vietnamese delegation specified Vietnam’s consistent policies in promoting sustainable and comprehensive growth while highlighting the country’s international integration efforts. 

As part of the visit, Vice Chairwoman Ngan met with representatives from the Association of Vietnamese Youth and Students in the US and scholars from the group “Vietnam Initiative” who are working to contribute to Vietnam’s development.
