PM chairs discussion with WEF founder, major WEF enterprises

Vu Khuyen
Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Professor Klaus Schwab, Chairman of the World Economic Forum, on Wednesday co-chaired a discussion with 20 leaders of major WEF enterprises.

PM chairs discussion with WEF founder, major WEF enterprises  - ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chairs a discussion with World Economic Forum Chairman and Founder Klaus Schwab and leaders of WEF’s major corporations. 

Leaders of major corporations expressed their interest in strengthening cooperation to promote Vietnam's economic growth, focusing on digital transformation, high-tech, green transition, and Vietnam's role in the global supply chain.

Delegates praised Vietnam's growth rate and improved investment and business environment and its digital economy that contributes 16% of Vietnam’s total GDP.

Corporate leaders said they want to better understand Vietnam’s regulations and policies on the digital economy and green transition, green certificates, electricity supply and conversion, financing for renewable energy, and preferential policies for high-tech fields.

Prime Minister Chinh reiterated that Vietnam continues to prioritize growth, focusing in solutions concerning currency and trade policies and strategic breakthroughs in institutions, infrastructure, and human resources.
He said Vietnam aims to attract investment selectively, prioritize projects in emerging high-tech fields, promote digital transformation and green transition, and achieve  breakthroughs in semiconductors and AI. He called on the WEF's major corporations to help Vietnam implement these strategic priorities.

PM chairs discussion with WEF founder, major WEF enterprises  - ảnh 2Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh receives Professor Klaus Schwab. (Photo: VOV)

Prime Minister Chinh on Wednesday received WEF Chairman Professor Klaus Schwab, who said he was impressed by Mr Chinh’s message at the plenary session and his sincerity and openness with the leaders of the WEF corporations.

He said the WEF and its member corporations appreciate Vietnam's prospects, investment and business environment, and outstanding economic achievements and consider Vietnam a role model of economic development and taking advantage of the Fourth Industrial Revolution’s opportunities.

The two sides agreed to work closely to make the Fourth Industrial Revolution Center in Ho Chi Minh City a leading connectivity center in the region. 

