NA Chairman offers incense in tribute to late President Ho Chi Minh

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(VOVWORLD) - National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue on Thursday offered incense in tribute to late President Ho Chi Minh at House 67 inside the Presidential Palace complex in Hanoi, on the 78th anniversary of the August Revolution and National Day.
NA Chairman offers incense in tribute to late President Ho Chi Minh - ảnh 1National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue offers incense in tribute to late President Ho Chi Minh at the Presidential Palace complex in Hanoi on August 31, 2023. (photo: VNA)

The top legislator and the delegates vow to do their best to promote the traditions and great achievements of the National Assembly and improve the performance of the NA’s operations for the ultimate goal of serving the interests of the country and for the happiness of the people.

The top legislator took this occasion to ask the staff members of the complex to fulfill all assigned tasks, especially preserving memorabilia and documents about President Ho Chi Minh, and introducing the life and revolutionary career of the late leader to both domestic and foreign visitors.
