Michelle Bachelet returns to Chilean presidency

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(VOVworld)- With 62% of the vote, the Chilean former President from the center-left party Michelle Bachelet won decisively in the second round of Chile’s Presidential election on Sunday. Bachelet’s rival, the center-right’s Evelyn Matthei only got 38% of the vote.


Michelle Bachelet returns to Chilean presidency - ảnh 1

Chilean President-elect Michelle Bachelet waved as she celebrated the results of the runoff election. Photo: AFP

(VOVworld)- With 62% of the vote, the Chilean former President from the center-left party Michelle Bachelet won decisively in the second round of Chile’s Presidential election on Sunday. Bachelet’s rival, the center-right’s Evelyn Matthei only got 38% of the vote. 62-year-old Michelle Bachelet was the first female President of Chile from 2006 to 2010. She ended her first term of office with high creditability. However, under the Chilean Constitution, Bachelet was not allowed to hold 2 consecutive terms of office. In her campaign, Bachelet stressed the necessity of a thorough reform of the constitution to benefit human resources for pharmaceuticals, education, housing, culture development and environment protection. Bachelet will take office on March 11, 2014.
