“Meet & Greet” programme boosts Vietnam – Belgium trade connection

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) -The Vietnam Trade Office in Belgium and the Belgium – Vietnam Alliance co-organised the “Meet & Greet" program in Brussels on Tuesday to promote exchange of information and trade connection between Vietnamese and Belgian businesses.
A delegation of representatives from 30 Vietnamese enterprises led by Director of the Trade Promotion Agency under Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) Vu Ba Phu attended the event. 
In his opening speech, Andries Gryffroy, First Vice President of the Belgian Senate, said the event offers a good chance for Vietnamese and Belgian businesses to further strengthen cooperation in food and beverages, among others. 
“Meet & Greet” programme boosts Vietnam – Belgium trade connection - ảnh 1Vietnamese Ambassador to Belgium and Head of the Vietnamese Delegation to the EU Nguyen Van Thao talks with the participants (Photo: VNA)
In his address, Vietnamese Ambassador to Belgium and Head of the Vietnamese Delegation to the EU Nguyen Van Thao said with a population of 450 million people, and the GDP of over 16 trillion EUR (15.75 billion USD), the EU is a potential market for Vietnamese exporters.
The strategic partnership agreement on agriculture between Vietnam and Belgium signed in 2018 is the catalyst for Vietnamese agricultural products to make inroads into the Belgian market.
