Libyan factions sign UN deal to form unity government

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(VOVworld) – Delegates from Libya’s warring factions signed a UN-brokered agreement in the Moroccan coastal town of Skhirat on Thursday to form a national unity government. 

(VOVworld) – Delegates from Libya’s warring factions signed a UN-brokered agreement in the Moroccan coastal town of Skhirat on Thursday to form a national unity government. The UN called the move the first step toward ending the political crisis in Libya.

Libyan factions sign UN deal to form unity government - ảnh 1
Libyan General Khalifa Haftar, chief of the army loyal to the internationally recognized government, speaks during a news conference in Amman, Jordan August 24, 2015 (photo:reuters)

Under the deal, a nine-member presidential council will form a government, with the current, eastern-based House of Representatives as the main legislature, and a State Council as a second, consultative chamber. The presidential council will name a new government in a month and a UN Security Council resolution will endorse it.
