Kremlin says charges over US election tampering prove nothing

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(VOVWORLD) - The Kremlin said on Monday that US charges against 13 Russians and several Russian companies accused of meddling in the 2016 US presidential election campaign contained zero proof of Russian state involvement.
Kremlin says charges over US election tampering prove nothing - ảnh 1 Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov (Photo: VNA)

The comments were the Kremlin's first reaction to charges drawn up by the office of US Special Counsel Robert Mueller which centered on a Russian businessman who US officials say has extensive ties to the country's military and political establishment.

The full indictment, released on Friday, said that a Russian propaganda arm funded by the businessman, Evgeny Prigozhin, oversaw a criminal and espionage conspiracy to tamper in the 2016 US presidential campaign to support Donald Trump and disparage Hillary Clinton.
