Japan-Vietnam relationship's role in Far-East discussed

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld)- The Russian public has spoken highly of the relationship between Vietnam and Japan, especially President Truong Tan Sang’s recent visit to Japan.

Japan-Vietnam relationship's role in Far-East discussed - ảnh 1

(VOVworld)- The Russian public has spoken highly of the relationship between Vietnam and Japan, especially President Truong Tan Sang’s recent visit to Japan. The Center for Research on Vietnam and ASEAN and the Center for Research on Japan of the Far-East Institute of Russian Science Academy held a seminar with the theme “Strengthen Japan-Vietnam as a security factor in Far East” on Friday. The seminar discussed the role of Vietnamese- Japanese relationship in the region and the world. Doctor Kuzminkov is a scientist at the Center for Research on Japan of the Far-East Institute of Russian Science Academy: “The newly established extensive strategic partnership between Japan and Vietnam is reflected not only in security but also clearly seen in economic cooperation. Japan pays special attention to cooperating with Vietnam”.

The participants agreed that the fine development of cooperation between Vietnam and Japan would help to ensure security in the region and promote economic development for the benefits of the two countries as well as of the region and the world, including Russia.
