IS says Brussels attackers also planned Paris attacks

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(VOVworld) – The Islamic State’s English-language Dabiq magazine said Wednesday that Khalid and Ibrahim El Bakraoui, the two suicide bombers in last month’s Brussels attacks, prepared arms and explosives for both the Brussels attacks and the Paris attacks last November.

(VOVworld) – The Islamic State’s English-language Dabiq magazine said Wednesday that Khalid and Ibrahim El Bakraoui, the two suicide bombers in last month’s Brussels attacks, prepared arms and explosives for both the Brussels attacks and the Paris attacks last November.

IS says Brussels attackers also planned Paris attacks - ảnh 1
A group of IS militants in Syria. (Photo: AP/VNA)

The magazine said Najim Laacharoui, Ibrahim’s accomplice at Zaventem airport in Brussels, also prepared the explosives for the two attacks. Khalid El Bakraoui blew himself up in a Brussels subway station.  

In its official magazine, IS claimed responsibility for last November’s attacks in Paris, killing 130 people, and last month’s attacks in Brussels, killing 32 people.

Paris attacker Salah Abdeslam is said to have targeted Nuclear Research Centre Jülich in Nordrhein-Westfalen state, Germany, one of the largest research centers in Europe. 
