Iraq drives IS from al-Baghdadi

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(VOVworld) - Iraqi forces have pushed Islamic State (IS) fighters out of al-Baghdadi town in Anbar province. Iraqi and Kurdist forces are fighting to retake other places from IS. On February 13, IS occupied al-Baghdadi, causing serious threat to the Ain al-Asad airbase, where hundreds of US troops are training Iraqi soldiers.

(VOVworld) - Iraqi forces have pushed Islamic State (IS) fighters out of al-Baghdadi town in Anbar province. Iraqi and Kurdist forces are fighting to retake other places from IS. On February 13, IS occupied al-Baghdadi, causing serious threat to the Ain al-Asad airbase, where hundreds of US troops are training Iraqi soldiers.

Iraq drives IS from al-Baghdadi - ảnh 1
US-led coalition strikes helped Iraqi soldiers retake the town of al-Baghdadi

In another development UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon criticized IS’ terrorist acts and destruction of cultural structures in Nimrud, Iraq. Irena Bokova, Head of the UN's cultural agency, condemned the "systematic" destruction in Iraq as a "war crime".
