Iran says not seeking tension with Saudi Arabia

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Iran is not mounting tension with Saudi Arabia. Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaber Ansari said this in a weekly press conference on Monday, after Saudi Arabia’s severing diplomatic relations with Iran.

Iran is not mounting tension with Saudi Arabia. Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaber Ansari said this in a weekly press conference on Monday, after Saudi Arabia’s severing diplomatic relations with Iran.

Iran says not seeking tension with Saudi Arabia - ảnh 1
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossein Jaber Ansari addresses a press conference in Tehran Jan. 4, 2016. Iran has no intention to keep tense relations with Saudi Arabia, Jaber Ansari said. (Photo: Xinhua)

"Iran does not pursue tension and conflict in its domestic and international policies, and it is not in the course of creating tension with Saudi Arabia," Jaber Ansari said. He also stated that Iran is obliged to the international conventions and is responsible for protecting diplomats and the diplomatic corps.

On Monday, after Saudi Arabia and Bahrain announced cutting off diplomatic ties with the Iran, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) summoned Iran’s ambassador and downgraded diplomatic ties with Iran due to Tehran’s interference into the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council. Sudan also announced to cut off diplomatic relation with Iran.
