Iran calls for friendship among Gulf countries

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(VOVworld) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Thursday that Iran always supports cordial friendships with countries of the Persian Gulf, especially countries in the Gulf’s South, as he concluded a two-day visit to Oman.

(VOVworld) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Thursday that Iran always supports cordial friendships with countries of the Persian Gulf, especially countries in the Gulf’s South, as he concluded a two-day visit to Oman.

Iran calls for friendship among Gulf countries - ảnh 1
Oman's Sultan Qaboos bin Said (R) walks with Iran's President Hassan Rouhani upon Rouhani's arrival in Muscat March 12, 2014 (Photo: Reuters)

He said Teheran hopes all regional countries will develop together in peace, friendship, and mutual understanding. Rouhani added that countries should not swap relations with one country for another, reiterating his belief that trustworthy co-operation and friendship will benefit everyone in the region. The visit was made to allay concerns among the Gulf Arab monarchies about Iran’s nuclear ambitions and to voice support for the Syrian government.
At an earlier meeting with scholars, Rouhani condemned terrorism and called for co-operation in counter-terrorism. He insisted that all differences between countries should be resolved through dialogue.
