International seminar marks 100th anniversary of Great October Revolution

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) -An international seminar featuring the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution – the past and present experience in socialism building – took place in the Indian city of Kolkata early this week. 
International seminar marks 100th anniversary of Great October Revolution - ảnh 1Russian leader V.I Lenin (Photo: History Conflicts)

A Vietnamese delegation led by deputy head of the Party Central Committee’s External Relations Commission Tran Dac Loi attended the event. Participants discussed the significance and great impact of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia, saying that it changed the fate not only of Russian workers but also of humankind. Debating socialism building in the 21st century in Vietnam, China, and Cuba, delegates shared the view that socialism is the only viable solution today, adding that the spirit of the October Revolution continues to guide the struggle of workers worldwide.
