International community supports Vietnam’s protection of navigation freedom in the East Sea

Chia sẻ
(VOvworld) – World newspapers have run articles expressing their support for Vietnam’s stance at the 24th ASEAN summit in Myanmar.
(VOvworld) – World newspapers have run articles expressing their support for Vietnam’s stance at the 24th ASEAN summit in Myanmar.

International community supports Vietnam’s protection of navigation freedom in the East Sea - ảnh 1

The Wall Street Journal quoted Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung’s speech at the ASEAN plenary meeting on May 11. The AP reported that several ASEAN member countries have rejected China’s sovereignty claims in the East Sea. ASEAN countries issued a joint statement to express their concern and call on all countries to exercise restraint, resolve disputes by peaceful means, and not to use or threaten to use force, and not to complicate the situation.

The US News Sentinel quoted opinions from many researchers saying that it’s time for Vietnam to seriously consider suing China in the International Court in a separate trial or join hands with the Philippines in a legal struggle and open a diplomatic front against China.

AFP, Myanmar Times, ABS – CBN posted a comment by the Filippino President Benigno Aquino saying that on the sidelines of the ASEAN summit, regional leaders had expressed their concern over the dangerous confrontation between China and some countries in the East Sea. Malaysian Prime Miniser Najib Razak called on ASEAN countries to unite to ensure compliance with international law including the 1982 UNCLOS. Indonesian President Susilo Bangbang Yudhoyono underlined the importance of ASEAN unity over this issue and confirmed they would support peaceful measures in resolving disputes in line with the UNCLOS.
