Vietnamese people continue to protest China’s violation of Vietnam’s sovereignty

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – The people of Da Nang have agreed with Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung’s speech at the 2014 ASEAN Summit. 

(VOVworld) – The people of Da Nang have agreed with Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung’s speech at the 2014 ASEAN Summit. Ngo Tuan Anh, a lecturer at the Da Nang University says: “The speech is frank, reflecting the stance of the Vietnamese state in resolving disputes in the East Sea. It calls on the international community to pay attention to this issue and points out China’s wrongdoings. It also expresses the hope that international friends will criticize China’s move and demand that China withdraw its drilling rig and stop its provocative actions in Vietnam’s waters.”

Le Duc Tho, a pensioner says: “I find Prime Minister Dung’s speech to be very frank with a clear viewpoint. We demand that China withdraw its drilling rig and all its military ships from Vietnam’s waters.”

The Vietnamese communities in Japan, France and Singapore have voiced their protest at China’s violation of Vietnam’s sovereignty. On Sunday, more than 500 Vietnamese people in Japan marched to protest China’s illegal placement of its drilling rig in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.

Vietnamese people continue to protest China’s violation of Vietnam’s sovereignty - ảnh 1
Vietnamese people march in Japan to protest China's violation of Vietnam's sovereignty

Many Japanese people also joined the march. The delegation sent 5 members to the Chinese embassy to read out a letter of request in Japanese and English, which opposes China’s violation of Vietnam’s sovereignty, confirms Vietnam’s sovereignty over the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagoes, and demands that China withdraw its drilling rig from Vietnam’s waters. The march caught the attention of Japanese media. Reporters of NHK, ANN and many Japanese newspapers covered the march and interviewed those involved, expressing the concern of Japanese people about tensions in the East Sea.

The Vietnamese community in France released a statement protesting China’s violation of Vietnam’s sovereignty. The statement says that China’s unilateral act seriously violates Vietnam’s sovereignty, threatens regional security and violates the principle of settling disputes in the East Sea peacefully. China’s moves are contrary to the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) that China signed with ASEAN countries in 2002. The statement also calls on the international community to reject China’s dangerous, provocative act for a world of peace and sustainable development.

The Vietnamese community in Singapore also protested China’s actions in the East Sea. Vietnamese people in Singapore called on each other to unite and contribute more to the homeland.
