Instability in South Sudan heighten possibility of civil war

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(VOVworld) – A spokesperson for the South Sudan’s army said Thursday that government troops are continuing to fight with the rebels to recapture Bentiu, capital of the oil-rich state Unity.

(VOVworld) – A spokesperson for the South Sudan’s army said Thursday that government troops are continuing to fight with the rebels to recapture Bentiu, capital of the oil-rich state Unity.

Instability in South Sudan heighten possibility of civil war - ảnh 1
A South Sudan soldier (Photo: Reuteurs)

According to the UN, clashes have led to chaos, forcing the locals to flee the area, where there have been reports of looting and shops being destroyed. Equipment and vehicles brought in by relief organizations have been seized by rebel gunmen. Conflict has also taken place near Bor, 200 km north of capital Juba, which is under the control of the rebel forces.Peace talks between government and rebel forces are at a standstill. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US diplomat in Africa warned Thursday of the possibility of a civil war in South Sudan if the fighting continued to escalate. If the violence continues, the US is likely to cut off hundreds of millions of USD in aid.
