Granting electronic visas for foreign visitors discussed at NA

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld)- On Wednesday, Minister of Public Security To Lam presented a draft resolution on pilot the granting of electronic visas to foreign visitors to Vietnam. Under the resolution, the government will pilot the move for two years, an electronic visa will be for one-time valid, and the validity time will be less than 30 days.
(VOVworld)- On Wednesday, Minister of Public Security To Lam presented a draft resolution on pilot the granting of electronic visas to foreign visitors to Vietnam. Under the resolution, the government will pilot the move for two years, an electronic visa will be for one-time valid, and the validity time will be less than 30 days.
Granting electronic visas for foreign visitors discussed at NA - ảnh 1
Minister of Public Security To Lam

Minister To Lam said: “Granting electronic visas for foreigners meet the socio-economic demands of Vietnam and are in line with Vietnam’s extensive international integration. This move will create favorable conditions for attracting foreigners to invest in and visit Vietnam. It also represents Vietnam’s foreign policy of equality and mutual benefit. Based on the pilot project, the Vietnamese government will consider halting the unilateral visa exemption. By so doing, the Ministry of Public Security will be more proactive in ensuring security”.

The system for granting electronic visa for foreigners is estimated to cost 200 billion VND. NA deputies also discussed revisions to the Law on Investment.  
